Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My street...

Just to change the subject... a night picture of the street where I live, taken yesterday night. It was so quiet and calm. A so pleasant and warm night I could not resist. I just picked up my camera and started shooting.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

3DISE project proposal rejected

Almost one year after submission to FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology), we got the feedback on 3DISE project proposal. Unfortunately, it was not accepted for funding.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Copying multiple files with SCP

I needed to copy several files from one remote host to another. To that end I decided to use scp, but if I simply write one "scp" command for each file I must provide the password each time I enter a command, besides having to repeat the command several times. Fortunately this can be done in a more efficient way. Indeed it is possible to use normal shell expansion, just make sure you use quotes to ensure that it isn’t parsed and expanded by the local shell instead of the remote one. Thus, the command should look like:

% scp me@host:"teste1.zip,teste2.zip,teste" .