Monday, January 28, 2008

Fluviário de Mora

Yesterday, to take the most of my last weekend in Portugal before leaving to Genoa, I went with my wife and son to the Fluviário de Mora. An aquarium dedicated to wildlife of rivers, in a small town in rural countryside. It was somehow a disappointment, especially because we are used to the wonderful Oceanário de Lisboa with its huge 5.000 cubic meters main tank. Anyway, I took some nice pictures in the Fluviário.

A frog from the tropical rain forest.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New documents available on web page

After a researcher from the City University of Hong Kong asked me for a couple of reports on 3D shape retrieval, I decided to publish them on my institutional web page. Therefore, it is now possible to download directly from there the two technical reports on 3D shape analysis and retrieval written within the DecorAR project. Additionally, I also published my PhD thesis proposal.