Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Keyboard shortcuts to add date and time in Excel

It seems simple, but I was doing it by typing the current date and time "by hand" in a Excel worksheet cells. It was not efficient. There should be a quicker way to do it! And there is. Through the use of keyboard shortcuts:

  • Enter the current date: CTRL+SHIFT+";"
  • Enter the current time: CTRL+SHIFT+":"

Friday, January 13, 2012


A couple of months ago my master student Daniel Mendes defended his thesis with honorable success (19/20). In his master work he developed an interactive tabletop LEGO modelling application (LTouchIt), which has been presented at the ACE 2011 conference. Below is a short video demonstrating the prototype.

For further details on this project, check the papers:
  • "Hands-on Interactive Tabletop LEGO Application"
    Daniel Mendes, Pedro Lopes, Alfredo Ferreira
    Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, November 2011
  • "Evaluation of 3D Object Manipulation on Multi-touch Surfaces Using Unconstrained Viewing Angles"
    Daniel Mendes and Alfredo Ferreira
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6949, pp. 523-526, September 2011